About Me

Welcome, Friends.

I'm a North Carolina native, and have lived here my entire life. I grew up on a farm in eastern North Carolina, and our family loved visiting the Blue Ridge Mountains every year. We drove the entire length of the Blue Ridge Parkway, pulling our small pop-up camper, and my Dad loved exploring every twisty mountain road he could find. I spent my childhood vacations "getting lost" on mountain trails. My Dad and I dreamed of someday having our own place, down in one of the peaceful little valleys you could see from the Parkway. 

I'm fortunate to now have a cabin in one of those little valleys, at the foot of the Craggy Mountains, within sight of the Blue Ridge Parkway, and I spend as much time as I can exploring the mountains I discovered as a child. I love finding magical places and soaking in their peace and beauty. I capture images and video of these special spots so I can remember them later, and share them with my friends... including you. I hope you find these places as special as I do. 

My approach to my work is to adjust the images only as much as is necessary to match how I saw the scenes with my own eyes. I rely on dramatic natural lighting to make my images "pop." Colors and highlights that appear in my images are as they appeared to me, in nature. Yes, sometimes things really can look this magical! :-)

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about my photos, the places they represent, and the stories behind them... including how to find those places yourself. Just ask!

- Paul

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